Clare Langan

Mar 7, 20212 min

What's in a word?


I am starting to think that a whole world can be in every single word.

I have found myself thinking a lot about words this week, as I embarked on an unexpected week of exploring silence with Susan Telford.

I have said many words that I wish I could un-say...but sadly that just can't be done.

Emily Dickinson puts it so well in poem 1212.

Emily Dickinson nails it again!

I think about my marriage vows which I said with complete conviction, belief and love, but two years later I was asking for a divorce. I think about the words I said in confidence that were repeated and caused such damage. I think about the words not said, where silence spoke for itself, and I feel a pang of pain and warm tears rise with my breath.

In the silence I have been feeling this week I have tried to listen with the ear of my heart and discern the still small voice of calm...

I have sifted through thoughts and ideas and found the word 'grace'...

and then a line jumped out of a poem by John O'Donohue, sent on the wings of an angel of synchronicity (aka email).

"Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning

That is at one with your life's desire."

Taken from A New Beginning

by John O'Donohue

In my coaching with Chad E Cooper, David Knight and Katie Williamson I have been working on my purpose which I think is my life's desire that John O'Donohue refers to.

When we find our purpose and follow it whole heartedly everything falls into place but often in unexpected and yet always exciting ways.

Each dawn of a new day is the unfurling of fresh beginnings and each day holds the grace of possibility...and the opportunity to choose words that don't corrode but heal.

As John O'Donohue says in his poem To Learn From An Animal

Let the clear silence

Of our animal being

Cleanse our hearts

Of corrosive words.

'Cleanse our hearts of corrosive words'

What do words mean to you? How does silence speak?

Thank you for spending some time with me. Simply Be More You xx
